#Career Clarity Webinar

About this webinar

[>> Here is where you can add information about your webinar and explain why people should join it. Communicate in simple terms its promised outcomes so they know what they would be missing if they decided not to register.

What you'll learn

Don't just list the topics you plan to cover. Make sure people understand how attending your webinar will benefit them.
  • Benefit 1
  • Benefit 2
  • Benefit 3
Remember to ask people at the end to sign up now! <<]

Your Presenter

Becca Carnahan
Career Coach
Next Chapter Careers
Becca Carnahan is a career coach, author, and mom of two. As the CEO of Next Chapter Careers, Becca specializes in helping parents land fulfilling jobs they love without giving up the flexibility they need. She fuses her 14 years of experience at Harvard Business School in career and professional development with empathy, humor, and enthusiasm in her coaching programs and writing.
  • Profile
    Becca Carnahan
    Career Coach
    Next Chapter Careers
    Becca Carnahan is a career coach, author, and mom of two. As the CEO of Next Chapter Careers, Becca specializes in helping parents land fulfilling jobs they love without giving up the flexibility they need. She fuses her 14 years of experience at Harvard Business School in career and professional development with empathy, humor, and enthusiasm in her coaching programs and writing.